Free 3D wallpaper tip: In choosing a desktop wallpaper for your computer, keep in mind the following:
1. It should be an image you would like to see everyday.
2. Someone else might see it (parents, classmates, etc.) so keep it strictly GP.
3. It shouldn't be too big a file otherwise it will make your computer's loading time slower.
4. Choose an image that can stand to be blown up to 800x600 pixels or bigger. Low resolution images may not look good.

1. It should be an image you would like to see everyday.
2. Someone else might see it (parents, classmates, etc.) so keep it strictly GP.
3. It shouldn't be too big a file otherwise it will make your computer's loading time slower.
4. Choose an image that can stand to be blown up to 800x600 pixels or bigger. Low resolution images may not look good.