Free 3D wallpaper tip: How to create a download folder
If you are new to computers, surfing the web or you just aren't very organized, you may not know how creating a Download folder on your desktop will make your life easier. This folder can be in your Documents/My Documents or on the desktop. Newer operating systems may have this folder already made for you, so check these areas to see if it is there. Whenever you download a patch, picture or anything (safe) from the internet you should always click the browse button before downloading the item, so you can place it in your download folder. This way you'll always know where it is.
* Right-click on empty space on your desktop, select New > Folder
* Name the folder Download (type over the highlighted text)

Free 3D wallpaper tip: I can't find my resolution!
If you don't see your exact resolution, select the closest one and stretch, center or tile images on your screen. Here's how to do it:
Windows 98/ME/2000
First we need to talk about why you would still have these versions (especially Windows 98! and gawd forbid ME!)
* Click Start > Control Panel > Display Properties > Background tab
* From memory, you should have options such as stretch or center, try these. If it doesn't work, it must be those operating systems, ha!
Windows XP
Follow steps above above steps, only your tab says Desktop, select to center, stretch or tile.
* Open Control Panel, select Personalize > Desktop Background
* From the Apple menu (or from your Dock at bottom), select System Preferences, and then "Desktop and Screen Saver," your choices are Fill, Stretch, Tile and Center.
* Short Cut - This should work for all the above: right-click (ctl-click) on empty space on the desktop, from the fly out menu select Properties (XP), Personalize (Vista), or Change Desktop Background (Mac) and continue.

If you are new to computers, surfing the web or you just aren't very organized, you may not know how creating a Download folder on your desktop will make your life easier. This folder can be in your Documents/My Documents or on the desktop. Newer operating systems may have this folder already made for you, so check these areas to see if it is there. Whenever you download a patch, picture or anything (safe) from the internet you should always click the browse button before downloading the item, so you can place it in your download folder. This way you'll always know where it is.
* Right-click on empty space on your desktop, select New > Folder
* Name the folder Download (type over the highlighted text)

Free 3D wallpaper tip: I can't find my resolution!
If you don't see your exact resolution, select the closest one and stretch, center or tile images on your screen. Here's how to do it:
Windows 98/ME/2000
First we need to talk about why you would still have these versions (especially Windows 98! and gawd forbid ME!)
* Click Start > Control Panel > Display Properties > Background tab
* From memory, you should have options such as stretch or center, try these. If it doesn't work, it must be those operating systems, ha!
Windows XP
Follow steps above above steps, only your tab says Desktop, select to center, stretch or tile.
* Open Control Panel, select Personalize > Desktop Background
* From the Apple menu (or from your Dock at bottom), select System Preferences, and then "Desktop and Screen Saver," your choices are Fill, Stretch, Tile and Center.
* Short Cut - This should work for all the above: right-click (ctl-click) on empty space on the desktop, from the fly out menu select Properties (XP), Personalize (Vista), or Change Desktop Background (Mac) and continue.