Free 3D wallpaper tip: Want a Clean Desktop?
Windows XP: Right-click anywhere on your desktop, choose the "Arrange Icons By" menu and then uncheck "Show Desktop Items".
Windows Vista: Right-click your desktop, choose "View" and then uncheck "Show Desktop Icons".

Free 3D wallpaper tip: How do I make these images my desktop wallpaper?
First find the 3d wallpaper(free) you want and make sure you are looking at the large version. If its the only image on the page and takes up most the page you are in the right place. If not click on the image you want until its blown up. Next right click the image. In Internet Explorer right mouse click the picture and set as background. In mozilla right mouse click the 3d wallpaper(free)image and "set as desktop background". If you aren't sure which browser you have just follow the directions for internet explorer.

Windows XP: Right-click anywhere on your desktop, choose the "Arrange Icons By" menu and then uncheck "Show Desktop Items".
Windows Vista: Right-click your desktop, choose "View" and then uncheck "Show Desktop Icons".

Free 3D wallpaper tip: How do I make these images my desktop wallpaper?
First find the 3d wallpaper(free) you want and make sure you are looking at the large version. If its the only image on the page and takes up most the page you are in the right place. If not click on the image you want until its blown up. Next right click the image. In Internet Explorer right mouse click the picture and set as background. In mozilla right mouse click the 3d wallpaper(free)image and "set as desktop background". If you aren't sure which browser you have just follow the directions for internet explorer.